Membership Meetings First Tuesday of the Month @7pm
For the latest in VFW events click here.
Membership Meetings First Tuesday of the Month @7pm For the latest in VFW events click here.
Welcome to the Lawrence M. Tate VFW Post.
Located in Grand Central District Downtown St. Petersburg. VFW Post 39 provides a social and community space for VFW members .
We serve beer, wine and spirits.

VFW at a Glance
The VFW is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. The VFW and its Auxiliary are dedicated to veterans service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs.
L.M. Tate Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 39
Mission Statement
“The purpose of L.M. Tate VFW Post 39 is to support and assist active, former, and retied military personnel and their families. We are here to create an atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship; to honor those who have served our country; while maintaining a positive relationship with our community.”